Vision, Mission, Values

Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) believes that all citizens should have equitable access to library services.

Our Mission:

Bringing the world to our communities by collaboratively providing efficient, effective, and exceptional library service.

Our Values





Our Vision:

We Deliver
We deliver the tools, training, resources and services that our libraries need to grow and serve their communities in new and exciting ways. We deliver, communities grow!

We will deliver the message, loudly and often, that libraries are essential so that community leaders and government officials know what they do to support growth in their communities.

We Innovate
We explore the unknown, expand our resources and thoughtfully cultivate new tools, partnerships and forums to connect and engage with our stakeholders.

We Serve
We serve our key stakeholders: our members, our trustees, our communities, and each other, with kindness, efficiency, curiosity and transparency.

We Care
We care, as an employer dedicated to reconciliation, diversity and inclusion, employee satisfaction, member engagement and retention.