Indigenous Advisory Circle

What is this all about?

Our workplace is situated on Treaty 6 territory, the traditional lands of First Nations and Métis peoples. We acknowledge the deep and enduring connection these communities have to this land. We commit to fostering a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration as we move forward together, striving for mutual respect and harmony.

NLLS serves seven First Nations and four Métis Settlements, with a combined population of 15,616. In 2023, Northern Lights Library System formed an Indigenous Advisory Circle to ensure we are effectively serving all communities in this part of the province.

Many Indigenous communities in our region currently lack local library boards, a situation we aim to improve over time. By creating this committee, we are committed to integrating Indigenous values, perspectives, and feedback into our services. This initiative underscores our dedication to being inclusive and intentional in our approach, ensuring that the library services we provide are reflective of and responsive to the diverse needs of our entire community.

Next Meeting Date: TBD

Upcoming Agenda